
Tuesday 11 May 2010

The World Is Filled with Trials and Temptations

E. Ezra Taft Benson: “As I have sought direction from the Lord, I have had reaffirmed in my mind and heart the declaration of the Lord to ‘say nothing but repentance unto this generation.’ (D&C 6:9; 11:9.) This has been a theme of every latter-day prophet, along with their testimony that Jesus is the Christ and that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God.
o “Repentance was the cry of our late and great prophet, Spencer W. Kimball. This theme permeated his talks and the pages of his writings, such as his marvelous book The Miracle of Forgiveness. And it must be our cry today, both to member and to nonmember alike—repent.
o “Watchmen—what of the night? We must respond by saying that all is not well in Zion. As Moroni counseled, we must cleanse the inner vessel (see Alma 60:23), beginning first with ourselves, then with our families, and finally with the Church” (in Conference Report, Apr. 1986, p. 3; or Ensign, May 1986, p. 4).
Testimony and Challenge
Tell the class members that all the prophets and apostles have testified of Jesus Christ. Read Ether 12:41; then read the testimony of President Spencer W. Kimball:
“To the testimonies of these mighty men and apostles of old—our brethren in the ministry of the same Master—I add my own testimony. I know that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God and that he was crucified for the sins of the world.
“He is my friend, my Savior, my Lord, my God” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1978, p. 110; or Ensign, Nov. 1978, p. 73).
Challenge the class to choose to follow Christ in this life, just as they chose to follow him in the premortal existence. They can choose to follow Christ by choosing the right, and not choosing evil, in the choices they make every day.
The Daily Votes We Cast
· ___A Vote to Follow Christ
· ___Attending sacrament meeting.
· ___Praying every day.
· ___Using the Lord’s name with reverence.
· ___Helping others.
· ___Studying the scriptures every day.
· ___Being truthful and having integrity.
· ___A Vote to Follow Satan
· ___Not attending sacrament meetings.
· ___Refusing to pray.
· ___Using the Lord’s name in vain.
· ___Being selfish.
· ___Reading or watching unclean books or films.
· ___Lying, stealing, cheating.

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