
Tuesday 11 May 2010

The Righteous Have a Power Greater than Satan’s

Moses 4:1–3: Satan sought to take away the power and honor of God. He was cast out of heaven.
Moses 4:4–21: Satan sought to destroy Adam and Eve. He was cursed and made subject to the righteous.
Moses 1:12–22: Satan tried to deceive Moses; he was detected and cast out by the righteous authority of Moses. (Verses 13 and 14 are keys to understanding who Satan is; point them out specifically to the class. Moses saw Satan was without glory and Moses was able to look upon him without being transfigured.)
Matthew 4:1–11: Satan tried to destroy Jesus Christ; the Savior rebuked him. (Note that the Joseph Smith Translation of verse 1 says Jesus was “led up of the Spirit into the wilderness to be with God.”)
Joseph Smith—History 1:15–16: Satan used his power to try to prevent Joseph Smith from receiving the truth from God, but he was cast out by the power of God because of the prayer and faith of Joseph Smith.
Though the above examples all deal with the lives of prophets, it is important to remember that Satan tempts everyone except little children. Also, through righteousness everyone can overcome Satan’s powers. Prophets are not the only ones who can be righteous.

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