
Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Christlike Attributes

Hope is an abiding trust that the Lord will
fulfill His promises to you. It is manifest in
confidence, optimism, enthusiasm, and patient
perseverance. It is believing and expecting that
something will occur. When you have hope,
you work through trials and difficulties with
the confidence and assurance that all things
will work together for your good. Hope helps
you conquer discouragement. The scriptures
often describe hope in Jesus Christ as the
assurance that you will inherit eternal life in
the celestial kingdom.
President James E. Faust taught:
“Hope is the anchor of our souls. . . .
“Hope is trust in God’s promises, faith that if we act now, the desired blessings will be
fulfilled in the future. . . .
“The unfailing source of our hope is that we are sons and daughters of God and that
His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, saved us from death” (“Hope, an Anchor of the Soul,”
Ensign, Nov. 1999, 59–60).
Charity and Love
A man once asked Jesus, “Which is the
great commandment in the law?” Jesus
replied: “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God
with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
and with all thy mind. This is the first and
great commandment. And the second is like
unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as
thyself” (Matthew 22:36–39).
Charity is “the pure love of Christ”
(Moroni 7:47). It includes God’s eternal
love for all His children. We are to seek to
develop that kind of love. When you are
filled with charity, you obey God’s
commandments and do all you can to
serve others and help them receive the
restored gospel.
Charity is a gift from God. The prophet Mormon said that we should “pray unto the
Father with all the energy of heart, that [we] may be filled with this love” (Moroni 7:48).
As you follow this counsel and strive to do righteous works, your love for all people will increase, especially those among whom you labor. You will come to feel a sincere concern for the eternal welfare and happiness of other people. You will see them as children of God with the potential of becoming like our Heavenly Father, and you will labor in their
behalf. You will avoid negative feelings such as anger, envy, lust, or covetousness. You will avoid judging others, criticizing them, or saying negative things about them. You will try to understand them and their points of view. You will be patient with them and try to help them when they are struggling or discouraged. Charity, like faith, leads to action. You will develop charity as you look for opportunities to serve others and give of yourself.

Virtue originates in your innermost thoughts and desires. It is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards. Since the Holy Ghost does not dwell in unclean tabernacles, virtue is prerequisite to receiving the Spirit’s guidance. What you choose to think and do when you are alone and you believe no one is watching is a strong measure of your virtue.
Virtuous people are clean and pure spiritually. They focus on righteous, uplifting
thoughts and put unworthy thoughts that lead to inappropriate actions out of their minds.
They obey God’s commandments and follow the counsel of Church leaders. They pray for
the strength to resist temptation and do what is right. They quickly repent of any sins or wrongdoings. They live worthy of a temple recommend.
Your mind is like a stage in a theater; in the theater of your mind, however, only one actor can be on stage at a time. If the stage is left bare, thoughts of darkness and sin often enter the stage to tempt. But these thoughts have no power if the stage of your mind is occupied by wholesome thoughts, such as a memorized hymn or verse of scripture that you can call upon in a moment of temptation. By controlling the stage of your mind, you can successfully resist persistent urges to yield to temptation and indulge in sin. You can become pure and virtuous.
The Lord commanded, “Seek learning, even by study and also by faith” (D&C 88:118).
He also warned, “It is impossible for a man to be saved in ignorance” (D&C 131:6). Seek
knowledge, especially spiritual knowledge. Study the scriptures every day, and also
study the words of the living prophets. Through study and prayer, seek help for your
specific questions, challenges, and opportunities. Give special attention to scripture
passages you can use as you teach and as you answer questions about the restored gospel.
Think about how you can apply gospel principles in your life. As you study diligently,
prayerfully, and with pure intent, the Holy Ghost will enlighten your mind, teach you, and
help you understand the meaning of the scriptures and the teachings of living prophets.
You can also gain knowledge by watching and listening to others, especially Church leaders.
Like Nephi, you can say: “My soul delighteth in the scriptures, and my heart pondereth
them. . . . Behold, my soul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and my heart pondereth
continually upon the things which I have seen and heard” (2 Nephi 4:15–16).
Patience is the capacity to endure delay,
trouble, opposition, or suffering without
becoming angry, frustrated, or anxious. It is
the ability to do God’s will and accept His
timing. When you are patient, you hold up
under pressure and are able to face adversity
calmly and hopefully. Patience is related to
hope and faith—you must wait for the Lord’s
promised blessings to be fulfilled.
You need patience in your everyday
experiences and relationships, especially with
your companion. You must be patient with all
people, yourself included, as you work to
overcome faults and weaknesses.
Humility is willingness to submit to the will of
the Lord and to give the Lord the honor for what is
accomplished. It includes gratitude for His blessings
and acknowledgment of your constant need for His
divine help. Humility is not a sign of weakness; it is
a sign of spiritual strength. When you humbly trust
Him and acknowledge His power and mercy, you
can have the assurance that His commandments are
for your good. You are confident that you can do
whatever the Lord requires of you if you rely on
Him. You are also willing to trust His chosen
servants and follow their counsel. Humility will help
you as you strive to be obedient, to work hard, and
serve selflessly.
Diligence is steady, consistent,
earnest, and energetic effort in doing
the Lord’s work. The Lord expects you
to work diligently—persistently and
with great effort and care. A diligent
missionary works effectively and
efficiently. Diligence in missionary work
is an expression of your love for the
Lord and His work. When you are
diligent, you find joy and satisfaction in
your work.
Do many good things of your own
free will (see D&C 58:27). Don’t wait for
your leaders to tell you what to do.
Continue until you have done all you
can, even when you are tired. Focus on
the most important things and avoid
wasting time. Pray for guidance and
strength. Plan regularly and effectively.
Avoid anything that distracts your
thoughts or actions.
As a missionary, you are expected to keep
the commandments willingly, to obey
mission rules, and to follow the counsel of
your leaders. Obedience is the first law of
heaven. It is an act of faith. You may
sometimes be required to do things you do not
completely understand. As you obey, you
increase in faith, knowledge, wisdom,
testimony, protection, and freedom. Strive to
be obedient to the Lord, the living prophet,
and your mission president.

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